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Case Study 2


  1. Increase the use of community services, including primary care and home- and community-based services.

  2. Prevent avoidable admissions to hospitals and nursing homes.

  3. Improve the care experience for consumers and families by providing comprehensive and seamless navigation across all Medicaid and Medicare services and social supports.

  4. Increase preventative care.

  5. Reduce per person expenditures. 


After a great deal of preparatory work, Connie and the HSSS recruited additional stakeholders identified as important to the success of the pilot. They also developed materials to clarify and expand communication about the goals and scope of the initiative and created an extensive plan for gathering input.  Groups of both internal and external stakeholders were asked first to provide feedback on the clarity of the goals and later to provide input into the key decisions that would define the program design and implementation.  

stakeholder meetings

As part of that outreach plan Connie conducted group and one-on-one meetings, community forums, focus groups, as well as creating a web-based forum for public comment.  She also led (and continues to lead) many informal conversations with a wide range of stakeholders, many with passionate and at times conflicting positions.

It’s now time for Connie and the HSSS to sort through the feedback as they tackle the major design decisions. 

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