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Planning Stakeholder Engagement

The following are some key planning questions to answer when considering engaging stakeholders in your plans for MLTSS:

  • Who are the key stakeholders in the community? How are we going to “recruit” these stakeholders to participate in our planning?
  • What are we hoping to learn from the key stakeholders? What is our expected outcome from involving stakeholders?
  • How much involvement do we want/expect from the stakeholders? What level of detail about our planning and implementation do we want to share for stakeholder input?
  • What are we going to do with the input we receive? 
  • What are the most effective ways to communicate with the stakeholders? Should the communication method be different for recruiting, meeting planning, and ongoing communications?
  • What are the best forums for gathering the stakeholders? Town hall meetings, focus groups, committees, conference calls?
  • What kinds of meeting accommodations are appropriate for our stakeholders?
  • How often should we involve the stakeholders? Quarterly, annually?

Click the worksheet for key planning questions to answer when considering engaging stakeholders in your plans for MLTSS. Worksheet 2.4



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