National Status of MLTSS
Forty six states include older persons and persons with disabilities in their Medicaid managed care programs, but most have excluded LTSS from those programs. [see CMS National Enrollment Summary]
This is changing, and as of 2011, 15 states (AZ, CA, FL, HI, MA, MI, MN, NC, NM, NY, PA, TN, TX, WA, and WI) have implemented one or more state-designed MLTSS programs. Seven of these have large programs offered statewide or in multiple regions of the state (AZ, HI, MN, NM, TN, TX, and WI). All of the 15 states with MLTSS programs had enrolled other population groups into Medicaid managed care for primary and acute services before they began their MLTSS efforts.
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In addition, in 2011, 15 states received planning contracts from CMS to develop innovative models of care for Medicare-Medicaid beneficiaries, and several of those states planned to develop or expand on MLTSS programs as part of that effort.
Finally, the Program for All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE), a very specific MLTSS model, has been implemented in 30 states [see CMS PACE site and NPA site].