continuum of support - least restrictive highlighted

Are these for profit, not-for-profit? Where do they originate? How to find one?

If the person is willing, automating some or all of his/her regular deposits, payments, and other transactions makes it easier to cut down on the time you spend managing monthly finances. It also helps ensure that bills get paid on time.

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Least Restrictive Alternatives

Community Resources/Natural (Unpaid) Supports, cont'd

Money Management Strategies –

Bank accounts can be set up to pay regular bills such as telephone, insurance, cable, rent, or mortgage. Withdrawal limits reduce exploitation and unwise spending. Joint signature accounts require two signatures, or simple for a second signer when the person is ill or unable to sign checks. (???)

Each of these money management strategies enables a family member or friend to monitor or use the person’s account to pay bills and meet other routine financial obligations without involving a formal, external bill paying service.

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