continuum of support - least restrictive alternatives
Circle of Supports:

Link to John O’Brien article about Circle of Supports (Vanessa has this); Katz: publications/articles/alternatives_to_guardianship.asp

When someone with developmental disabilities is involved, Person-Centered Planning is an ideal tool to use when natural supports are in place. (need roll-over def’n of person-centered planning)

Link to template for Statement of Consent

Least Restrictive Alternatives

Community Resources/Natural (Unpaid) Supports

Increased support from family and friends –

An informal network of friends and family, often called a “Circle of Support”, can sometimes be sufficient to provide the supports and assistance an adult with disabilities needs. Natural supports should be used whenever possible because:

A Statement of Consent is a document that may, if a person approves, be signed by the person and his or her parents or family members. The Statement of Consent is then placed in both the person’s case file and person-centered plan to allow parents or family members to (1) participate in planning as team members, (2) be contacted when a concern arises, and (3) stay involved in helping the person work towards his or her goals to preserve as much of his or her independence as possible.

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